2025 Knoxville Parks and Recreation Needs Assessment
Your response to the following survey is extremely important. The City of Knoxville is embarking on a Parks and Recreation Master Plan that will guide the future of parks and recreation services in our community over the next 10 years. Public input is crucial to the plan's development. In addition to public workshops, focus groups and interviews, the City of Knoxville is also conducting a survey to better understand our residents' priorities for parks, trails, facilities, programs and services within the community. We hope that you will be able to participate.
We appreciate your time. This survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete, but each question is important. The time you invest in completing this survey will aid the City of Knoxville in making decisions that will enrich the future of our community and positively affect the lives of our residents.
We have selected ETC Institute, an independent consulting company, as our partner to administer this survey. They will compile the data received and present the results to the City of Knoxville. Your responses will remain confidential.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Aaron Browning, Deputy Director with the City of Knoxville Parks & Recreation Department at (865) 215-1719 or abrowning@knoxvilletn.gov.